Introduction to C++ & How to Start C++ Coding


Introduction to C++ & How to Start C++ Coding

Introduction to C++

What is C++?

C++ is a high-level language. High level language means that its close to human and away from computer. On the other hand, low level language means that its close to computer and away from human. High level language like an English word that’s why it is close to human. C++ developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is extension of C language.

Why C++ language use?

It is the most popular programing language. C++ is used in developing browsers, operating systems, and applications, as well as in-game programming, software engineering, data structures, etc. C++ is an object-oriented programming language which gives a clear structure to programs.

Difference between C and C++

C++ was developed as an extension of C, and both languages have almost the same syntax. The main difference between C and C++ is that C++ support classes and objects, while C does not.

How to Start/Write Coding in C++?

First, you need a compiler where you can write and compile code of C++ writing. There is various compiler available in market that you can use. For example, MS visual studio, MS code, Dev C++. Here, we discuss about dev C++ compiler.

Dev C++ easy to use compiler and free of cost. You can download easily. Just type dev c++ on the google and open first website and download dev c++. After download dev c++ install dev c++.

You can see download method in images.

Here is One Example of Basic Program. You can see basic program example in picture.



Real-World Applications Which Use C++ Language


1.     Games

C++ is near the equipment, can undoubtedly control assets, give procedural programming over computer processor concentrated works, and is quick. It is additionally ready to abrogate the intricacies of 3D games and gives multi-facet organizing. This large number of advantages of C++ settle on it an essential decision to foster gaming frameworks as well as game improvement suites.

2.     Graphical User Interface Application

C++ can be utilized to grow the greater part of the GUI-based and work area applications effectively as it has the necessary elements.

i.e., Adobe System

3.     Database Software

C++ is likewise utilized recorded as a hard copy data set administration programming. The two most well-known data sets MySQL and Postgres are written in C++.

4.     Operating System

The way that C++ is a specifically and quick programming language makes it an optimal possibility for composing working frameworks. Moreover, C++ has a wide assortment of framework level capabilities that likewise help recorded as a hard copy low-level project.

5.     Browsers

Programs are for the most part utilized in C++ for the purpose of delivering. Delivering motors should be quicker in execution as the vast majority could do without to hang tight for the site page to be stacked. With the quick exhibition of C++, most programs have their delivering programming written in C++.

6.     Compilers

Compilers of different undeniable level programming dialects are composed either in C or C++. The explanation is that both C and C++ are low-level dialects that are near equipment and can program and control the hidden equipment assets.




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